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Our Giving Partners

Feeding People at Home

Joppa helps homeless people survive, find housing and rebuild their lives.

Their Mission:

To create communities of unconditional love, support and hope for the homeless, as we work together to prevent and ultimately end homelessness.

What They Do:

Joppa engages the community to give their time, treasures and talents. We work together to help unsheltered families and individuals access government-funded resources and fill gaps in homeless services, education and housing.

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Feeding People Around The World

Every child needs enough to eat and deserves to have an education

The Mary's Meals vision is that every child receives one daily meal in their place of education and that all those who have more than they need, share with those who lack even the most basic things.

Working together with those who share their vision, they believe there is no good reason why this vision cannot be realised.

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